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Who should get tested?

Poet Photography

1. Anyone with symptoms.

  • If you have symptoms, get tested immediately.

  • Stay home when you are sick, whether you seek out testing or not. If you leave your home to get a test, wear a mask and stay 6 feet away from other people. The COVID-19 Test at Home program may be your best option for getting tested in the comfort of your own home.

  • Community testing sites are best for people with mild symptoms. If you have moderate to severe symptoms call your doctor or health care provider or go to the hospital.

2. Anyone who was close to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

  • It's best to get tested at least 5 days after the last time you were close to the person with COVID-19 (exposed). If you get tested too soon, the test may not be able to detect the virus.

  • The safest option is to stay home for 14 days after your last contact with the person who has COVID-19, whether you have symptoms or not. In certain situations, you may consider being around others after 10 days, or after seven days with a negative COVID-19 test result. Visit Close Contacts and Tracing for more information.

  • The COVID-19 Test at Home program may be your best option for getting tested, particularly if you learn about exposure early in the 14-day window.

  • If you would prefer to visit a Community Testing Site, make an appointment. If the site nearest you has no available appointments on the day you're looking to get tested, look at a later date or try finding a testing location a little farther away.

3. Anyone who has attended a one-time, high-risk activity, such as a large gathering or an indoor event with people you do not live with.

  • If you start to feel sick, get tested right away, even if you've been vaccinated.

  • If you do not feel sick, get a COVID-19 test at least five days after the event. If the test is negative and you are worried you might have been close to someone with COVID-19 (exposed), get another test 12-14 days after the event, even if you do not feel sick.

4. Anyone who is actively engaged with people outside of their household or is working at places that remain open during the pandemic. This includes critical infrastructure, first responders, health care, retail, etc.

  • If you do not have symptoms and you have not been told you have been exposed to COVID-19, you are still at risk given how quickly the virus is spreading.

  • Make an appointment at a Community Testing Site. Plan ahead to find an available appointment, even if that includes looking at a testing location a little farther away.

  • The COVID-19 Test at Home program may also be a good option for those getting tested as part of a screening strategy. Ask your employer about how often you need to be tested.

5. Anyone who is returning to a classroom or campus.

  • Children returning to school, youth sports, or extracurricular activities.

  • College and trade-school students returning to classes or campus.

  • Elementary school educators and school staff whose schools have returned to an in-person or hybrid learning model are eligible to participate in testing during their school's bi-monthly testing event.

  • Child care workers whose programs are participating in on-site testing through the state are also eligible to get tested.

Waiting for your test results

  • It can take several days for test results to come back.

  • The place that did your testing will get the results to you.

  • Stay home and away from others if:

    • You have any symptoms.

    • Someone in your home has COVID-19.

    • You've been close to someone with COVID-19.

  • If you don't have symptoms and have not been close to someone with COVID-19, you don't need to stay home while you wait for your test results.

    • Wear a mask and stay 6 feet away from people who don't live with you.

    • If you start to feel any symptoms, stay home and away from others.

  • What to Do While You Wait for a COVID-19 Test Result

Test types and data

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