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Who can and can't get the vaccine

At this time, the Pfizer vaccine is authorized for vaccination of people 12 years and older, and the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccines are authorized for vaccination of people 18 years and older. This includes people with medical conditions, who have had COVID-19, and those of different ages, races, and ethnicities. Please see the section below, "considerations for special populations," for people who are pregnant and those with weak immune systems.

There are few reasons that someone should not get vaccinated. A person that had a life-threatening reaction to a previous dose of COVID-19 vaccine should not receive any further doses of that type of vaccine. Additionally, if a person has had a life-threatening reaction to any ingredient in the vaccine, they should not get that vaccine. They may want to talk to an allergy specialist. People who have had anaphylaxis (an immune response of the body that causes someone to go into shock) after taking other medicines, particularly medicines given by injection, may be vaccinated but should be observed for 30 minutes after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.

At this time, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is the only COVID-19 vaccine that has been studied and authorized for use by people ages 12 years and older. Data from Pfizer vaccine studies show the vaccine is safe and effective for this age group. Other vaccine manufacturers are also studying their vaccines in younger age groups but have not yet received authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Learn more about parental consent for people under 18 years old, and how to find a vaccine appointment for this age group at Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine for People Under 18 Years Old (PDF).

COVID-19 vaccines help protect your child from COVID-19. They also help keep your child from spreading COVID-19 to others. Help protect your whole family by getting yourself and your children 12 years and older vaccinated against COVID-19. Learn more about what to expect before, during, and after vaccination for your child in the information on this page. Find resources and information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at COVID-19 Vaccines for Children and Teens.

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